MM Academy Competition

Discover how to reach your full potential.

las bases de mm academy

Nuestra visión se basa en los siguientes pilares

Manu Martín Academy es un centro de formación, entrenamiento y desarrollo de jugadores de padel de élite, donde buscamos crear un ambiente que fomente el crecimiento personal y deportivo de cada jugador, esforzándonos por inculcar valores como la dedicación, el trabajo en equipo, la disciplina y el respeto tanto dentro como fuera de la pista.

Nuestra visión es ser la referencia en el mundo del pádel profesional, donde los jugadores encuentren un espacio para crecer como deportistas y como personas, y elevar el juego al más alto nivel, promoviendo los más altos estándares de calidad en el entrenamiento, la preparación física y la mentalidad competitiva.


Excelencia deportiva

Trabajamos con la firme idea de ser un centro de referencia en la formación de jugadores de pádel altamente competitivos, ofreciendo las herramientas y el apoyo necesario para alcanzar el máximo potencial.


Innovación y tecnología

Comprometidos con la constante actualización de nuestros métodos de enseñanza y entrenamiento, aprovechamos las últimas tecnologías y tendencias en el mundo del deporte en general y del pádel en particular.


Ética y responsabilidad

Creemos firmemente en la ética deportiva y la integridad en todas nuestras actividades, promoviendo un ambiente de juego limpio y el respeto hacia los rivales y compañeros de juego.


Desarrollo integral

Reconocemos la importancia del desarrollo integral de nuestros jugadores, por lo que ofrecemos apoyo en aspectos como el entrenamiento físico y psicológico y la prevención de lesiones.

The keys to our methodology

Enhance your game with MM Academy


Our approach is tailored to the individual needs of each player, offering personalized and optimal learning.

Proven Experience

The method is based on the successful trajectory of Manu Martín and his team of coaches, backed by the results and victories achieved at all levels.


We foster a motivating and positive training environment where players feel supported to grow towards their best version.

Innovation and cutting-edge

We keep our training methods up to date with the latest technological solutions and advances in high-level competition, ensuring quality training that is constantly evolving.

Planning and Periodization

We create a long-term training plan that includes periods of load and rest. We work to ensure that players are in their best shape during the competition season.

Comprehensive Approach

We don't just focus on technical and tactical aspects; we understand that success is achieved by developing all areas of the player, such as physical preparation, psychology, and physiotherapy, thus offering a comprehensive evolution of the player.

Sobre nuestros profesionales

Altamente cualificados y comprometidos

In the MM Academy, el éxito de nuestros jugadores y jugadoras es nuestra mayor motivación.

Nos enorgullece haber compartido los triunfos alcanzados por nuestros jugadores y de la pasión que han desarrollado por el pádel a lo largo de su formación con nosotros.

Contamos con un equipo de entrenadores altamente capacitados y apasionados, comprometidos con el éxito de nuestros jugadores y con experiencia en competiciones y entrenamientos de alto rendimiento.

Customized Programs

They adapt to you and help you reach your full potential.

We adapt to the player and help them reach their full potential.

In the MM Academywe understand that each professional player has individual and team needs and goals. That's why we develop customized programs that adapt to each type of player to achieve the desired performance.

Our programs are based on a thorough assessment of skills, strengths, and areas for improvement. We work closely with the player to understand short, medium, and long-term goals, designing a training plan together that fits their needs.

The programs include a combination of technical, tactical, physical, and psychological training to ensure comprehensive and balanced development in the game.

Areas of Focus


Perfect and be efficient in your strikes and movements, both offensive and defensive, improve your adaptation to the game using video analysis with the most advanced technology.


Improve your understanding of the game and your ability to make the best strategic decisions. Our exercises and simulations will help you analyze your opponent to enhance your advantage on the court.


Thanks to the alliance with QRT, you'll be able to work on improving your performance and reducing the risk of injury through their personalized system based on corrective exercise, functional strength training, and technical work on padel movements.


We mustn't overlook the importance of psychology in achieving desired results. Thanks to our agreement with Psico Díaz, we'll provide you with tools to reach your peak performance, maintaining your motivation throughout the season, building self-confidence in competition, effectively managing your emotions, and keeping your focus on what matters. We'll also assist you in effectively bonding with your partner.


The team at Mobility Clinic, led and trained by Blanca Bernal, can assist you in recovering from injuries and enhancing performance. They specialize in sports physiotherapy and functional readaptation, helping you prolong your athletic career by designing specific prevention plans.


Our training program

We take pride in the success and performance our professional players have achieved in competition. They have demonstrated a high-level game, exceptional technical and physical skills, and a solid competitive mindset, thanks to the training and guidance they received in the MM Academy. 

Over the years, we've had the privilege of working with disciplined and committed players, who have reached the pinnacle of the world padel, topping the rankings of the professional circuit. 

Professional Circuits

Our players compete at the highest level in professional circuits, achieving notable results. They have reached finals and secured victories in various categories. They compete with the best players in the world, showcasing their level of play and leaving a mark with the values of MM Academy.

Ranking Improvements

Our players have experienced steady growth in their positions in the rankings. Through training and dedication, they have climbed positions and positioned themselves among the best padel players in their country and internationally.

Success is not just victory, but everything you've fought for to win.
Rafa Nadal
professional tennis player
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